Friday, June 9, 2006

World Cup Ad Watch

Don't bother calling me today because the chances are good that I won't answer my phone. I'll be at the local pub watching the biggest sporting event in the world: the 2006 World Cup. I've only been getting excited about this for the last six months and now it's finally here.

Partially responsible for my excitement are the excellent ads that ESPN has been running for the World Cup. If you haven't seen them yet, be sure to go over to the site they've put up: One Game Changes Everything. It's hard for me to be objective, because I love the game so much, but if the ad about the Ivory Coast doesn't give you goosebumps, you need to check for a pulse. Here it is:

Doesn't that make you want to watch? You can follow the action on the blogosphere at the excellent Deadspin or at my favorite soccer blog: Caught Offside. If you're looking for the view from the ground, try WorldCupBlog. I'm keeping up with the latest news about the event at ESPN's Soccernet. Their Gamecast is essential in case I'm forced to return to my desk before the game ends.

We'll be tracking some of the other ads we like (unless we're too busy watching the matches) so leave your suggestions (and your predictions) in the comments below. Game on!

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