Last week, I attended the first annual OTASessions in Sioux Falls, S.D. The event was dreamed up by local dreamer (and I mean that in a good way) Hugh Weber. There were lots of people who answered the call, but Hugh deserves the credit for putting the event together.
Anyway, Hugh put out the call for reactions to OTASessions so I thought I'd blog my two cents worth. My primary takeaways (besides the pile of books pictured here)...
...were two:
- Companies that show their bumps and bruises will get credit for it (Spike Jones). I find that so many companies think that every communication has to be spit-polished, vetted by everyone, thoroughly sanitized and (of course) can only be good news. The problem with that is that business is not simply a steady progression of positive news. So people will go elsewhere to get the negative news and because you weren't willing to provide it to them, they are more likely to ignore your positive news as well.
- Partially-finished art is more powerful because it invites the viewer to interact with it and add their own context (paraphrasing Jonathan Harris). Jonathan made many profound, inspirational points, but of all of them, this one stuck out the most. He said it in reference to a torn photo he found on the ground with a partial inscription on the back, but it is applicable to a lot of what we as bloggers (should) do. As writers, we often fail to remember that whatever we write is only half of the context of that work. The other half is the audience reaction. Many times I think my blog posts have to be the complete record. Sometimes it causes me to not post anything because I can't get it all done. I've had far more success when I throw out a partial thought and ask others to react to it.
Anyway, those are the two primary thoughts kicking around in my head following the event. Perhaps that will change as I start reading other reactions and the books I took home. In case you're interested, here are some other thoughts I tweeted throughout the day:
- congrats! well-deserved! RT @electricpulp: We just won the "Work. Play. Do Good. Award" from #otasessions. And @guykawasaki did intro vid!6:52 PM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
RT @brupert: Johnathon Harris is seriously blowing minds at#otasessions4:46 PM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
RT @brupert: Congrats to @electricpulp on the Work. Play. Do good award. #otasessions4:12 PM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
RT @joleneloetscher: Keep doo-ing good @hughweber.#otasessions4:11 PM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
RT @AstronautStudio: "Experiment all the time" @timbrunelle#otasessions3:15 PM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
@spikejones how do you convince companies to show their bumps & bruises? #otasessions2:32 PM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
- - Good advice from @spikejones (but pre-empted by @chrisbrogan) #otasessions2:28 PM Mar 26th via TwitPic
show people your bumps and bruises & they will appreciate you for it @spikejones. #otasessions2:18 PM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
RT @kmjensen: Spike Jones: 90% of word of mouth marketing happens offline. #otasessions1:54 PM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
I got a book! Thanks Gary V. RT @ThePostSD: Gary Vaynerchuck#otasessions PM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
- - #otasessions panel w/ @chrisbrogan @julien and @mitchjoel12:47 PM Mar 26th via TwitPic
RT @GBVeerman: @chrisbrogan Everyday: 30 minutes listening, 60 minutes connecting, 30 minutes posting. #otasessions11:23 AM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
@chrisbrogan: promote other people's stuff 12 times as often as your own #otasessions11:21 AM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
@chrisbrogan: we can listen to people at the point of need - coolest thing about social media11:09 AM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
me please! RT @otasessions: Dear #OTAsessions guests: We have 2 BlackBerry/1 Droid chargers at the registration table if your phone is dying10:20 AM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
you r missing out! See @otasessions RT @Trey_Lane: "Am I missing something? What is #otasessions?10:16 AM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
RT @ThePhoenixSun #FF @ejgertz @gharman @egies@Kenwardjr @drgrist @nathanschock @kate_sheppard@KateGalbraith @NRDC @trailgirl @sarapresler10:12 AM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
#OTASessions RT @chrisbrogan: I never know the content of my speeches until I know the passions of my audience10:10 AM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
RT @chrisbrogan: Oh, and for #ff? Go find the new talent. Forget me.10:08 AM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
@mitchjoel was very good RT @jeremyorion: Hoping that the trite quotes from #otasessions aren't indicative of the quality of the speakers10:03 AM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
RT @sjhalestorm: Build communities while it is not obvious - before you *need* it - @julien. #otasessions9:57 AM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
RT @addiegraham: Nope. We are embracing the change! RT Wonder if mainstream media at #otasessions are uncomfortable listening to @mitchjoel9:55 AM Mar 26th via PockeTwit
@argusleader: I am a little uncomfortable listening to @mitchjoelb/c there is a lot more I could be doing #OTASessions9:40 AM Mar 26th via mobile web
Now listening to @julien at #OTASessions9:36 AM Mar 26th via mobile web
Wonder if the people from mainstream media at #OTASessions are uncomfortable listening to @mitchjoel9:17 AM Mar 26th via mobile web
- - @mitchjoel: real marketing is about real interactions b/w real people #OTASessions9:06 AM Mar 26th via TwitPic
@mitchjoel: my marketing is focused on reaching an audience of 6: 6 CMOs #OTASessions9:05 AM Mar 26th via mobile web
@mitchjoel: you create your own media experience #OTASessions8:53 AM Mar 26th via mobile web
@mitchjoel: more grandparents than HS students on Facebook#OTASessions8:51 AM Mar 26th via mobile web
- - @mitchjoel: Hernan Cortez burned the ships, we need to reboot8:44 AM Mar 26th via TwitPic
@mitchjoel: people don't click on banner ads #OTASessions8:44 AM Mar 26th via mobile web
At #OTASessions and listening to @mitchjoel from SPOS8:38 AM Mar 26th via mobile web
Enjoyed the #OTASessions Pre-Party tonight and looking forward to tomorrow