I enjoy a lot of sports, but there are none that I enjoy more than men's college basketball. So today, the opening day of the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament, is my favorite day of the year.
Why then am I sitting at my desk instead of out watching the games? Because I'm doing both with March Madness on Demand, an advertiser-supported live video feed of the tournament. At the sports bar (or on my local TV) I'm captive to whatever game they decide to show me. Online, I can move back and forth between all the games that are currently being played (with the exception of the local game that is blacked out).
Just some of the major advertisers I saw included AIG, Coke, Dell, Lexus, Microsoft, Nike, Old Spice, Playstation and long-time NCAA advertiser Pontiac. Hat tip to Illini Wonk for the link.